Interventional Pain Medicine
New York Pain Care is an Interventional Pain Medicine practice in New City, NY
with healthcare providers who have special training and skill in relieving, reducing, or managing pain and improving a patient's overall quality of life through minimally invasive techniques.
Interventional Pain Doctors at New York Pain Care perform
physical exams and scans, assessments, and treatments for short and long term pain. Interventional Pain Medicine is
the study, assessment, diagnosis and treatment or management of chronic pain. Significant diseases and conditions treated at
Interventional Pain Medicine practices include sciatica, herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and whiplash.
Medical tests, procedures and therapies provided by Interventional Pain Medicine
practices include discography, epidural injections, nerve, root, and medial branch blocks, facet joint injections, pulsed radiofrequency neurotomy (PRFN), rhizotomy, spinal cord stimulation, intrathecal pumps, and percutaneous discectomy/nucleoplasty.
Interventional Pain Medicine is the discipline of medicine devoted to the diagnosis and treatment of pain and related disorders principally with the application of interventional techniques in managing subacute, chronic, persistent, and intractable pain, independently or in conjunction with other modalities of treatment.
Interventional Pain Doctors in New City, NY
Interventional Spine Medicine
Interventional Spine Doctors in New City, NY