Frequently Asked Questions
What is Vitadox? is a free online service for people to find the best doctors, therapists and specialists in their location. We connect patients with medical professionals who have the necessary training and experience in treating specific symptoms and conditions. Vitadox empowers users to search, read reviews, and book online appointments with the best healthcare providers. Read more about Vitadox.
Where is Vitadox located? serves patients, healthcare providers and medical organizations across the United States. Our HQ offices are located in Schaumburg, IL. Visit our Contact Us page for full contact information.
Why is my personal information displayed on your website?
It is never our intent to knowingly publish private information. The provider data displayed on typically comes from the information you provided to the CMS National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) when you obtained your National Provider Identifier (NPI).
Can I remove my Vitadox Profile?
Vitadox provides information about healthcare providers and organizations as a free service to consumers and the general public. lists such providers based on their presence in the NPI Registry and other public data sources.
The information we collect and publish is a matter of public record and does not require the permission or explicit participation of the listed entities. Relevant law allows us to publish provider profiles and their publicly available information without having to ask for permission.
If you are a provider registered with the NPI Registry, and your information is publicly available and of interest to the general public, Vitadox policies prohibit complete removal of such data from Vitadox does not remove or suppress information obtained from public sources, and neither providers nor organizations may decline being listed with us.
How do I update the information displayed in my Vitadox Profile?
If you have not yet claimed your Vitadox Profile:
The easiest and quickest way to update your information on Vitadox is to claim your FREE Verified Vitadox Profile:
- Find your profile using our search at Medical Provider Search
- Click the “Claim My FREE Profile” button.
- Submit your up-to-date information using our secure profile claim form.
Once submitted, your information will be verified by our team and published on within a couple of business days.
If you have already claimed your Vitadox Profile:
If you already have a Verified Vitadox Profile and you want to update your information, please email us at [email protected]
If you don’t want to claim your FREE Verified Vitadox Profile:
If you do not wish to claim your FREE Verified Vitadox profile, contact NPPES to update your NPI information. Your information will be published on your profile within a couple of weeks.
Can I enhance my FREE Verified Vitadox Profile?
Yes! You may add additional information to your FREE Verified Vitadox Profile to help patients make a more informed decision. When you verify your Vitadox Profile, you may add items like your photo, office hours, areas of specialty, treatment options, treated conditions, education, and more.
Can I promote my practice on
Yes! Get started with our FREE 30-day Trial of Vitadox Premium to increase awareness and promote your practice. Vitadox allows you to reach new patients, gain top search listings and convert online traffic to office visits.
To get more appointments with highly-qualified patients, increase revenues and grow your practice, sign up today at