
Dorothy W. Lyons, LPC

Professional Counselor

Gender: Female
Experience: 14 years

About Dorothy W. Lyons, LPC

Dorothy W. Lyons, LPC is a professional counselor and mental health counselor. Ms. Dorothy W. Lyons has 14 years of experience in professional counseling.


Dorothy W. Lyons, LPC earned a degree of a Licensed Professional Counselor.


Dorothy W. Lyons, LPC has been registered with the National Provider Identifier database since July 11, 2010, and her NPI number is 1396057055.

Book an Appointment

To schedule an appointment with Ms. Dorothy W. Lyons, please call (205) 528-0647.

Professional Counselor

Ms. Dorothy W. Lyons is a Professional Counselor in Guin, AL with special training and skill in assessing patient mental health and treating cognitive, psychological, and behavioral disorders using a wide variety of therapy techniques. As a Professional Counselor, Dorothy W. Lyons, LPC performs diagnosing and treating mental and emotional disorders, providing therapy to clients in individual and group settings, research into advanced therapy techniques and applications, and referral to medical mental health professionals as needed. Professional Counseling is a healthcare specialty centered on providing mental and emotional guidance and therapy to treat mental, emotional, and addictive disorders. Significant diseases and conditions treated by Professional Counselors include anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), behavioral disorders, phobias, bereavement, marital hardship, attempted suicide, drug and alcohol addiction, sexual abuse. Medical tests, procedures and therapies provided by Professional Counselors include psychotherapy, cognitive behavior disorder (CBD) therapy, crisis management, mental health assessment, intelligence quotient examinations, marriage counseling, one-on-one therapy sessions, anger management therapy, and stress management.

Professional Counselors in Guin, AL

Mental Health Counselor

Ms. Dorothy W. Lyons is a Mental Health Counselor in Guin, AL with special training and skill in working with individuals, groups and communities to improve mental health dysfunctions by discussing emotions and experiences, then prescribing custom holistic solutions. As a Mental Health Counselor, Dorothy W. Lyons, LPC performs assessments and diagnostics, psychotherapy, treatment planning, and crisis management. Mental Health Counseling is flexible, consumer-driven therapy that combines psychotherapy with practical, problem resolution strategies. Significant diseases and conditions treated by Mental Health Counselors include substance abuse, anger management, bullying, depression, anxiety, relationships, self-image, and LGBTQ issues. Medical tests, procedures and therapies provided by Mental Health Counselors include listening compassionately, analyzing emotions and experiences, determining client goals and insights, developing holistic therapeutic strategies for good mental health.

Mental Health Counselors in Guin, AL

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