Dr. Charles S. Teeple is a Urologist in Amarillo, TX
with special training and skill in diagnosing and treating disease and dysfunction of the urinary tract.
As a Urologist, Charles S. Teeple, MD performs
physical examinations, urine testing, prostate examinations, and patient education. Urology is
a medical specialty dealing with the urinary tract. Significant diseases and conditions treated by
Urologists include prostate gland enlargement and infection, erectile dysfunction (ED), kidney disease, kidney stones, urinary tract infections, cancer of the kidneys, bladder, penis, testicles, and prostate, interstitial cystitis, urinary incontinence, and prostatitis.
Medical tests, procedures and therapies provided by Urologists
include x-ray, MRI, ultrasound, and CT imaging, urine testing, blood testing, digital prostate exam, tissue biopsy, urodynamic bladder testing, patient education, nutritional recommendations, medication prescription, and referral to other specialists as needed.
A urologist manages benign and malignant medical and surgical disorders of the genitourinary system and the adrenal gland. This specialist has comprehensive knowledge of and skills in endoscopic, percutaneous and open surgery of congenital and acquired conditions of the urinary and reproductive systems and their contiguous structures.
Urologists in Amarillo, TX