Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
4575 Webb Bridge Road, Suite 3372,
Alpharetta, GA 30023
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Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (SCCAP)
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Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology is a medical organization dedicated to Child Psychology. Doctors and practitioners associated with SCCAP have special training and skill in identifying and analyzing disruptive behaviors and cognitive delays. Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology members perform therapies to help children develop into healthy adults. Child Psychology is the study and treatment of childhood and adolescent developmental dysfunctions. Significant diseases and conditions treated by many SCCAP members include abnormal development and physical, mental, behavioral, social, and emotional disorders. Medical tests, procedures and therapies provided by SCCAP healthcare providers include play and cognitive behavioral therapy.
Child Psychologists Near MeSCCAP Adolescent Psychologists
Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology is a medical organization dedicated to Adolescent Psychology. Doctors and practitioners associated with SCCAP have special training and skill in studying, assessing, and managing adolescence - the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood between ages 13 - 19. Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology members perform assessments and diagnoses and crafts custom treatment plans for teens and young adults. Adolescent Psychology is the study, psychotherapy, and behavioral intervention treatment of the emotional and mental suffering in adolescents. Significant diseases and conditions treated by many SCCAP members include learning disabilities, sexuality issues, anxiety, depression, and drug abuse. Medical tests, procedures and therapies provided by SCCAP healthcare providers include diagnosing disorders, counseling, prescribing medications and lifestyle changes, and referring patients to specialists.
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