Arkansas Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors
P.O. Box 45386,
Little Rock, AR 72214
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Arkansas Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors (AAADAC)
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Arkansas Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors is a medical organization dedicated to Addiction / Substance Abuse Counseling. Doctors and practitioners associated with AAADAC have special training and skill in diagnosing and treating addiction and mental health disorders responsible for addiction. Arkansas Association of Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Counselors members perform diagnosis and treatment of addiction to alcohol and drugs. Addiction / Substance Abuse Counseling is a medical specialty dedicated to researching and treating all types of substance addiction disorders. Significant diseases and conditions treated by many AAADAC members include alcohol and drug addiction. Medical tests, procedures and therapies provided by AAADAC healthcare providers include conducting patient interviews, administering drug tests, creating treatment plans, participating in therapy sessions, and referring patients to other medical specialists as needed.
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